Friday, April 26, 2013

Changing Seasons

The four seasons are becoming undefined. Spring is Winter, Fall is Summer, and even though they seem to blend together they each still have their own characteristics.

Spring is the first new season of each year. It brings a mix of weather, from sun shining warm days, to cold rainy overcasts, to muggy mornings. This is the time were flowers sprout, grass grows green and trees come to life. Spring is a happy time when the birds come to sing and the animals emerge.

Summer follows, and it brings hot, long, sweaty days, in which everyone wishes to so somewhere nice and cool, whether that be a pool, an air conditioned building, or the cool waters of the beach. Summer is vacation time, because the weather is so permitting.

Fall follows Summer, the weather cools, the days grow shorter, the trees begin to shed their multi-colored leaves, and animals start to gather food for hibernation. Fall time is the most beautiful time, the colors and the goldilocks temperature, makes it a very kind time. At least until dreary Winter comes.

Winter brings cold, short days and flustering flurries. It frosties the air and layers the ground with snow. The winter seems so long and laborious. Some see Winter as the most beautiful time, for the trees get blanketed with snow.

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