Sunday, May 12, 2013

Thoughts Affecting Reality

Humans naturally think, we can't help it. We think about the present, the past, the future, and how we can affect it. When we think about our lives we create a longing for a way to make it the way we want it to be, at any cost. We do things to try to get it perfect, but it will never happen, theres always something else. Our reality changes when we think, the Merriam's dictionary for reality is 'the quality or state of being real', just like our thoughts, except those are short-lived. We think and think and that affects our real thoughts. We then get ideas. Ideas are 'transcendent entities that are real patterns of which existing things are imperfect representations', meaning they are entities that are real, implanting them into our reality, they then affect the reality by allowing us to forego an action changing reality completely.

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